Kerahat Vakti Sticker Sheet
₺ 350,00Raki is consumed with appetizers called meze and locals say the best meze for Raki is the conversation. Although main dishes of meat and fish may follow, the first mezes to…
Ulan İstanbul / Bosphorus Sticker Sheet
₺ 350,00"Ulan Istanbul" sticker series are inspired by the iconic aspects of Istanbul and this sheet expresses different areas & concepts of this city. You can enjoy magical atmosphere of Bosphorus…
Aslan Sütü – Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! This bag is customized for the traditional Turkish spirit Raki, which is popularly referred to Aslan sütü - "lion's milk" in Turkish. Since aslan- "lion" is a Turkish…
Bottles – Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! We love all and each. The ancient beverage, wine and the iconic wine bottles! Booze Bag
İlk Görüşte Aşk – Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! "İlk görüşte aşk", which is a Turkish expression, means something very universal and debated concept, love at first sight. Just bring your crush's favorite booze in it…
Clouds Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! You are tipsy, up in the clouds! Just celebrate it with your favorite booze. Booze Bag
Love At First Sight – Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! Some people believe in love at first sight, some don't. But all love this booze bag. Just bring your crush's favorite booze in it and the bag…
Alcohol – Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! This booze bag is specially designed for people who shout out that they are "not a morning person!" Alcohol doesn't cause hangovers, waking up does!…
Bi Daha Mı Gelicez Dünyaya!! – Booze Bag
₺ 400,00Carry your booze in stylish bags! Booze Bag